1. No one under 13 is allowed to register.
3. All members must be approved by admin.
3. No tolerance for anything that is racist, sexist, homophobic, generally hateful, or threatening.
4. No hate symbols of any kind.
5. All members of this forum should respect the opinions and presence of other members here. You can disagree and engage in a debate, but rudeness, name-calling, cursing, etc. will not be tolerated. Our goal is to keep a positive, fun forum.
6. You are solely responsible for your interactions with the other forum users with whom you interact with through the forum. Admin and Community Managers reserve the right, but have no obligation, to become involved in any way with these disputes. Those disputes and arguments should be handled privately by those involved; not publicly posted about on the open forum.
7. No pornographic content.
Sharing anything posted here or in the Facebook group with non members will get you banned immediately.Some bans may be permanent! This is your warning.
Rule violations may result in permanent or temporary bans.
If you get banned from the forum you will be banned from the Facebook group as well.
If you have any questions or concerns please PM an admin or community manager.
DDS is meant to be a safe environment where people can be comfortable sharing how they feel, especially when it comes to deciding who we let into the forum or not, and we would like to keep it that way.
It's been brought up and appears that people have been breaking that trust and telling others things that have been said in the DDS forums, which will not be tolerated.
For the sake of keeping this a safe and friendly environment, we must inform you that if you are caught doing this, you CAN be kicked out.
We are sorry it has to come to this, but for the sake of DDS, this will now be enforced, even though it shouldn't have to be.
DDS Staff
Join the forum, it's quick and easy
You must login to use this forum.
1. No one under 13 is allowed to register.
3. All members must be approved by admin.
3. No tolerance for anything that is racist, sexist, homophobic, generally hateful, or threatening.
4. No hate symbols of any kind.
5. All members of this forum should respect the opinions and presence of other members here. You can disagree and engage in a debate, but rudeness, name-calling, cursing, etc. will not be tolerated. Our goal is to keep a positive, fun forum.
6. You are solely responsible for your interactions with the other forum users with whom you interact with through the forum. Admin and Community Managers reserve the right, but have no obligation, to become involved in any way with these disputes. Those disputes and arguments should be handled privately by those involved; not publicly posted about on the open forum.
7. No pornographic content.
Sharing anything posted here or in the Facebook group with non members will get you banned immediately.Some bans may be permanent! This is your warning.
Rule violations may result in permanent or temporary bans.
If you get banned from the forum you will be banned from the Facebook group as well.
If you have any questions or concerns please PM an admin or community manager.
DDS is meant to be a safe environment where people can be comfortable sharing how they feel, especially when it comes to deciding who we let into the forum or not, and we would like to keep it that way.
It's been brought up and appears that people have been breaking that trust and telling others things that have been said in the DDS forums, which will not be tolerated.
For the sake of keeping this a safe and friendly environment, we must inform you that if you are caught doing this, you CAN be kicked out.
We are sorry it has to come to this, but for the sake of DDS, this will now be enforced, even though it shouldn't have to be.